Today was a busy day. We had a great speaker, Steve Sassman, in the morning. He spoke to all the Keystones and gave them a very powerful message on the power teachers have to influence their students. What a great way to start the day and to get everyone excited for a day of amazing things that happened.
I also had the opportunity to teach two classes on Movie Maker. The sessions went well and the teachers really began to look at their curriculum on ways they can begin to use Digital Video in their classes. I want to thank all the teachers that attended my sessions and thank them for for their discussions.
The Evening brought us the opportunity to bring the Keystones together for small group sessions and discussions. The excitement our small group sessions was wonderful and it is great to see and listen to the ideas that these teachers are now going to take back to their classrooms.
If you would like to learn more about the Keystones Program, please click on this link:
Keystone Technology Integrators
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